Awareness & Education

Adult Group Presentations

​This overview presentation is available to community, church, school and other adult groups who want to learn more about the problem of human trafficking and how to solve it. The program will answer some of the most common questions about human trafficking – what it looks like, how to recognize potential victims, who to contact if you are concerned about someone in your community, neighborhood, school, or family. If you would like to bring the Free NOLA Awareness event to your group, contact Diane Amos at (504) 621-5544 for more information.

School Presentations

Free NOLA Teams offer an overview presentation on human trafficking specifically designed to teach age appropriate material to 8th-11th grade students. The students will learn what trafficking looks like, what to do if they suspect that a friend is in trouble, how to keep themselves safe online, and the dangers of pornography and its relationship to trafficking. The objective of the program is to give young people the knowledge and skill sets needed to make good decisions, build confidence, and teach them about personal boundaries. When possible, Free NOLA teams can also work with parents to develop a family safety plan.


Hover to learn more about the way Free Nola works to train staff in different fields to recognize signs of human trafficking.

Motel Housekeeping & Hospitality Staff​

Housekeepers, when trained on the red flags for trafficking are key to assisting victims.

Motel Housekeeping & Hospitality Staff​

Housekeepers, when trained on the red flags for trafficking are key to assisting victims. They visit the rooms each day for cleaning and are able to look for items such as pornography, condoms, drug paraphernalia, sex toys or lubricants. They can also alert the front desk staff when housekeeping has been refused multiple days in a row. Free NOLA Teams will meet with motel staff at their location to train on what to look for and who to contact when a potential trafficking situation is identified.
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Teachers, Social Workers & Support Staff​

This group has a very unique opportunity to help a child that may be trafficked right under their watch.

Teachers, Social Workers & Support Staff

This group has a very unique opportunity to help a child that may be trafficked right under their watch. Free NOLA Teams will meet with school staff (teachers, social workers and support staff) to train on what to look for and who to contact when a potential trafficking victim or situation is identified.
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Hospitality, Travel, & Business Personnel

A victim may have to travel on public transportation, visit a convenience store, or eat in a restaurant.

Hospitality, Travel, & Business Personnel

At one time or another, a victim may have to travel on public or commercial transportation, visit a convenience store for personal items, or eat in a restaurant. The employees in these establishments need to be trained on how to identify a person who is being held captive. Free NOLA Teams provide employees with Key Indicator Cards that enable employees to identify possible trafficking victims by evaluating victims for the common indicators & red flags so that authorities can be alerted when a potential traffick victim is identified.
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Health Care Staff & Medical Personnel

During the course of their victimization, there will be a need for health care services.

Health Care Staff & Medical Personnel

During the course of their victimization, there will be a need for health care services. Whether it is for an STD, pregnancy, physical ailment or abuse, a health care worker has a unique opportunity to detect victims of trafficking. Free NOLA teams will train health care staff on the physical signs to look for so they can be catalyst to rescue the victim.
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Trucking & Human Trafficking

A guide between the connection of the trucking industry and human trafficking.

Trucking & Human Trafficking

A guide between the connection of the trucking industry and human trafficking. Human trafficking is prevalent in the trucking industry; learn how people are victimized, and the signs all of us can look out for.
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Awareness & Education

Information Request Form

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